Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Scout's diary 4

  July 8, 1937

Dill said that he’d love me forever but I don’t think he really cares about me. He only cares about Jem and his stupid plans to find out more about the Radleys. Jem and Dill both think that I’m too girly and that I will somehow destroy their plans, so I found a new friend, Miss Maudie. Yesterday, Miss Maudie told me a few things about Boo Radley that I never knew. She said that Boo Mr. Arthur is still alive and that he remains in the house because he doesn’t want to come out. Apparently no one locked him in the basement. Miss Maudie also said that Mr. Arthur was friendly and gentle. It sounds like Arthur Radley isn’t as evil as other people describe him to be. I believe Miss Maudie’s words because she is one of my friends. But I still fear Mr. Arthur.
This morning, I noticed that Jem and Dill were whispering secretly to each other in the front yard. At first, they didn’t want to let me in on their plans but they ended up telling me soon after (I think it was because they knew I didn’t and would not leave.). They told me that they were going to send Arthur Radley a note. They wanted to ask him to come out and chat with us. I didn’t think it would work out but Jem didn’t listen to me. He told me that I couldn’t just quit after joining them. Jem had Dill and I watched as he was going up to send the note to the house. In the end we failed because Atticus came home and caught us. He told us to leave Arthur Radley alone and that the thing, we tried to do, wasn’t polite. I already told Jem that Atticus knew what we were doing but he didn’t believe me (See! I told you, Jem.).

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